From 1 January 2024, Revenue will require all employers to report, on a real-time basis, three categories of non-taxable employee remuneration:
· €3.20 per day Remote Working Expense, if provided to employees;
· Small Benefit Exemption (ie typically, Gift Vouchers); and
· Travel and Subsistence
The following are the reporting requirements:
1. Small Benefit Exemption – the value per employee
2. Remote Working Expense – the amount paid per employee and the number of days it relates to
3. Travel and Subsistence – analysed as follows:
However, Revenue has also indicated that these three categories of ERR are just an initial phase of a planned expansion of reporting requirements for employers with respect to non-taxable remuneration.
You must submit a Return when an employee receives any of the reportable ERR elements. Moreover, the Return must be made on or before the date the reimbursement or tax-free benefit is provided to the employee. Employers must use the employee’s ID number (which is used for payroll submissions) when filing the ERR Return.
In conclusion, if you have any questions about ERR implementation, please do not hesitate to get in touch. For more information on how our payroll services can benefit you, please do not hesitate to contact us for a chat and a quote.